

LOMAGA is Lorieth Manzón's enterprise, an expert artist, educator and crocheter in amigurumis and crochet fabrics. She creates patterns for learning, didactic videos and personalized dolls. We designed her logo and chose the appropriate color palette and typography for her communication on networks, brochures and packaging.
Logotipo Lomaga



LOMAGA - Amigurumis

Logotype and tagline

Icon over color

Logotype over texture

Application over text and picture


The goal of the project was to consolidate a brand that was more commercial and attractive to the social media audience. We were looking for something that would make it look more adult, but maintaining elements of play and enjoyment that are the key to crochet.  

We thought of magical elements like the hat, or the ambigram, but in the end we solved a readable and dynamic option that reflected the threads, the fabric and the artistic spirit of the client. 

LOMAGA - Amigurumis

1. Sketch

2. Refine

LOMAGA - Amigurumis

3. Vector

4.  Finalizar

Curiosity doesn't kill rats.

Keep looking

If you like these brands, imagine what we can do with yours.


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